Before you are born you are assigned an angel that will look over you for your entire life. How wonderful is that? You are never truly alone. Angels are with you as a gift from our creator to bring peace on earth, one person at a time.
You may never physically see your angels, but many times you have probably felt them near you. A feather dropped in an unusual place, tells you they are nearby, or a soft breeze whispers past you when the wind is not blowing. A gentle touch of feathered wings brush against your skin. A song on the radio about angels brings tears of joy to you. You hear trumpets playing in the distance. There are many varied ways your angels will communicate with you, simply to let you know, you are not alone, they are with your always.
But most of all, you are one hundred percent loved, totally and unconditionally, by your angels, regardless of what you do.
Even if you are in doubt about an angel at your side this is a very calming, peaceful, and graceful prayer to say in your mind to your angels. As they cannot help you, unless you ask them, except in some life and death situations.
Prayers do not need to be long and complicated to work, they just need to be heart felt.
Dear Angels at my side,
I don’t know if you are real or not, but I want to believe in you, as I feel so alone, hurt, confused and anxious about my life at the moment.
I ask you to help me please, in every aspect of my life, so that I feel happy and loved in every way.
I ask that you surround me, cover me, and fill me with your pure positive white light, so that I am protected from all harm; physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially.
I ask please for this day ahead to be full of love and laughter, joy and happiness, confidence and acceptance, good health and energy, prosperity and abundance.
I ask this for my highest good with grace and ease now and the next 24 hours.
I ask that you show me a sign that you are near me such as a feather, a butterfly, a coin, a song…something beautiful and graceful that I will know you are always with me.
Thank you.

Love & Light
Be the BEST YOU can BE!
BE Positively Fabulous!