Denyse SaundersDELICIOUS WEIGHT LOSS CABBAGE SOUPNeed to lose weight in a hurry for a special occasion? Then try my delicious Cabbage Soup recipe. Within 3 days you will have a flatter...
Denyse SaundersFASTEN YOUR METABOLISM FOR WEIGHT LOSS!These 3 ingredients eaten daily will fasten up your metabolism for rapid weight loss. I have combined them into one of my favorite...
Denyse SaundersLook Positively Fabulous in 6 weeks time for Spring & Summer...I am starting my 6 week SUMMER BODY weight-loss and tone up challenge on Saturday 1st September!! The challenge is with myself to keep it...
Denyse SaundersAQUA JOGGING loses weight and is so easy to do for all ages & capabilites!!!Don't you just love the water, the pool, the sea and rivers...I do and always have from a very young child! Personally I think it is...
Denyse SaundersSecret to a flat stomach no matter what your age...My wonderful personal trainer Jeff taught me these easy-to-do exercises years ago and I have been doing them ever since. It only takes 6...
Denyse SaundersLOSE STUBBORN WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF!!These are a few of my tips and tricks for daily living to lose weight and keep it off! Watch my short video below... BE the BEST that YOU...
Denyse SaundersWHITE POTATOES VERSUS SWEET POTATOES!Which one is healthier and with less calories for us? White Potatoes or Sweet Potatoes (known as Kumara in NZ). BE the BEST that YOU can...
Denyse SaundersFIRM THOSE CHICKEN WINGS UNDERARMSSadly one of the first areas on our body to start losing tone is our underarms. Some call them their chicken know the ones...
Denyse SaundersFAST WEIGHT LOSS!!! I did this, so I can guarantee that it works and it is only 30 days out of your life!!! Follow this plan below and it will change your...
Denyse Saunders30 DAY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEYI had put on weight much to my disgust when I couldn't exercise for 6 months due to 3 surgeries in that time...I hated myself...I became...
Denyse SaundersEASY TO MAKE PROTEIN BALLS!! Only 67 calories each Protein Ball with NO sugar, NO Gluten, NO dairy, No GM...just good wholesome food that tastes so, so delicious!!...