It is normal and natural to want to look and feel the best that you can! It is not vanity to care for yourself; on the contrary, it is essential to do so. It is about self-respect, self-acceptance and self-confidence - all the key ingredients to living a successful life and looking younger than your years.
Anyone can look younger than their chronological age. It is not simply for a select few and it is not difficult, (In fact it is proven only 10% comes from genetics – the rest are lifestyle factors – much of which you can control). It is as simple as making a decision right now to set aside a little ‘me’ time each day, for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth!
There is no ‘one’ thing that makes you healthy, attractive, youthful and vibrant. Rather, it is a balanced lifestyle that is the key to defying the aging process. It is this balance that creates a youthful, desirable, glowing and beautiful you!
My anti-ageing secrets come from a lifetime of working in the fashion, beauty, media and modelling industries and from training over a million people of all ages, shapes, sizes and all walks of life. Plus my connection with spirit early on in my life, and making it an everyday practice that gives back is so many ways that helps inwardly and outwardly!
Certainly I have trained many international models and winners in Miss World, but I have also trained children, teenagers, men and women in grooming, confidence, makeup-up artistry, hair-styling, television presenting, speech, public speaking, corporate grooming, makeovers, wardrobe co-ordination, and how to be positively fabulous in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s & 80s…in fact I believe there isn’t a woman I can’t assist to look and feel her best, from young models to grandmothers (like me now!) 😊
These are the secrets that I have gained from a lifetime of interest and passion for looking good based on expanding, nurturing, healing, growing,
evolving the mind, body and soul, without breaking the bank!
As a business owner of five companies, working with a diverse range of people from around the world. I have observed that it is not simply what we do on the outside that makes us beautiful – much of our beauty comes from within which then glows without, much like the suns rays, for all the world to see!
From helping others, I have noticed a common condition across the globe, simply put many women lack high self-esteem and any self-respect. In other words, they don’t feel good about themselves. I find this very sad. I strongly believe that inner confidence is the key to a successful life, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
If you believe in yourself (no matter what others say) you can achieve anything!!!!
This inner confidence comes from balancing the mind, body and soul. While you probably already know self-confidence comes from within, you are possibly not as aware that it very much comes from how you look as well. Because, lets face it, when you know you look good, you feel good, and then you have that inner confidence to face any challenge!
Creating a beautiful inner you, is essential, to having a beautiful outer you!
This blog is about working on both your outer and inner you, creating a truly balanced soul that glows with confidence! It certainly need not cost a lot of money to achieve. It takes knowledge and the self-discipline to take these steps, most of which are practical, simple and easily achievable.
You can be whatever you choose…
beautiful, youthful, desirable, sexy, energetic, vibrant, confident and successful!
Being the best, you can be – no matter your age, height, size or shape – is attainable, if you are willing to believe that you deserve it!
How you look today and tomorrow is in your hands and no one else’s - you are in control!
BE the BEST that YOU can BE!
BE Positively Fabulous
Love & Light
Denyse xoxoxo
