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AGE DEFYING LIFESTYLE best selling book by Denyse Saunders

Updated: Feb 5, 2019

Create the Life and Looks YOU Desire!

Being beautiful, attractive, youthful, desirable, sexy, energetic, vibrant...

Being the best you can be no matter what your age, height, size or shape is attainable!


You are more then your body and more than your body and mind; you are body, mind and soul. To be truly beautiful is not only what you do on the outside, but it also comes from the inside. Therefore there is not much point in only working on the outside (the body) if we do not work i on the inside (the mind and the soul).

2 commentaires

05 nov. 2018

Love your books Denyse! To comment please scroll to the bottom of the page to register with your email address then you may comment! xoxoxo

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