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Updated: Aug 10, 2019

A moving and raw part-memoir e-book by best selling author Denyse Saunders. Download it now!!

For many people the hardest thing to do is to love themselves. They spend their life busy looking after and loving other people, yet never love themselves enough to have all that they want and desire. Believing that their needs are not important and that they are not worthy of love, abundance, prosperity, friendship, good health, true happiness and being loved by a significant other.

They believe that life is meant to be hard when in fact it is meant to be full of laughter, joy, happiness, abundance, prosperity, friendships and most of all love!

If there is no love, then all these other wonderful things cannot come to you, because you believe you don’t deserve them. You often believe other people deserve them, but not you!

But you do deserve them. In fact, you deserve everything you have ever wanted in life; happiness, money, travel, fun, laughter, good friendships, great sex, a loving respectful partner, a fulfilling career…whatever it is that you dream of at night, but never expect or tell anyone.

From a young age Denyse Saunders understood that there was more to life than what we see here on earth. She had a knowing that comes from somewhere else. Her spirituality has been her guiding light throughout her life and the most important thing to her.

Denyse has chosen to pass on parts of her life story, in the hope it will help you heal from your own traumas. We all have our own story to tell, this is Denyse’s story.

This is not one of Denyse’s bestselling beauty and fashion books, but rather, a very raw account of some parts of her life that have caused her tremendous physical, mental and emotional pain and how she has overcome them. Denyse teaches you, what spirit have taught her about how to, find lasting peace, happiness and love, despite what life has thrown at you!

Being spiritual did not stop bad things from happening to her, but spirit showed her how to heal from them. Bad things do happen to good people, as real people aren’t perfect!

Author: Denyse Saunders, a self-help part-memoir, REAL PEOPLE AREN’T PERFECT!

Author of best-selling books Beautiful You, Positively Fabulous, Age Defying Lifestyle and For Every Teen!


A perfectly polished, professional, self-made, award-winning business owner, Denyse Saunders has for over 4 decades, led a glamorous, high-profile life as the owner of one of Australasia’s largest model agencies, grooming and confidence academy, fashion event company, Positively Fabulous workshops and seminars nationwide and director of Canterbury and Auckland Fashion Weeks and best seller author.

Model manager and trainer for over 4,000 models, actors and talent with winners in Miss World, Miss New Zealand, Miss Canterbury, Miss Marlborough/Nelson, Miss Queenstown, national model competitions, and a host of others…and models who worked in all the fashion capitals of the world; London, Paris, Milan, Tokyo, Sydney and New York. Denyse Saunders has led an exciting, challenging, demanding and exceptional life.

But with the highs, comes the lows.

Some of these lows have been played out in the media, but Denyse has always maintained a, “no comment” policy. We never knew the truth behind the rumors.

Many have wondered how she managed to come back from some of these seemingly insurmountable odds stacked against her, but Denyse has time and time again.

In this moving part-memoir, Denyse explains, some of these traumatic and horrendous experiences, that she has never spoken of before to anyone, and how she has healed from each episode, to be emotionally stronger, than before.

Denyse credits her faith and spirituality and having a strong sense of self as the key to living a happy, joyful, healthy, abundant, prosperous, loving life. With what she calls the four S-words as essential to having a healthy mental mindset to achieving all your hopes, dreams and wishes in life – self-acceptance, self-approval, self-confidence and most importantly self-love!

Denyse lives in Christchurch, New Zealand.


How do we heal from the tragedy’s and traumas that affect us all at some point in our life? It is a lucky person indeed that sails through life without some heartbreak or disaster touching their life.

We all have our own story to tell, some more extreme than others. But what makes one person’s tragedy worse or inferior than another? Nothing does! All our suffering is entitled to be recognized and healed.

It is the healing that seems the most difficult. It is so easy to become stuck in that energy that caused your suffering and not be able to move past it, that can keep any of us stagnated. If that happens then nothing good can ever be recognized again, since all one can see, feel and know is the pain of the suffering.

It is vital to your own well-being, mental and physical health to unblock the suffering, so, that you can move forward and past it to an improved, happier and more joyful, loving life.

It is your right to be happy, healthy, loving and loved. No one deserves to be hurt, sad, broken or lost. I believe we all come into this life to love and be loved.

This world can be a very scary place and just getting by can be a daily challenge. But it is also a very beautiful place full of extraordinary love and kindness.

The most beautiful place is inside of you! You are a beautiful, loving soul that deserves only the best that life has to offer. Through all your anguish and sorrow there is a way to be happy.

This is part of my story, which will be different from yours, but through telling you some of the traumatic times in my life and how I have healed myself, I hope to help you heal yourself.

Plus learn how to create the most important aspects of your entire being and that is, self-acceptance, self-approval, self-confidence and most of all, self-love! It is these four attributes that will heal you of your past.

Real people aren’t perfect! If we were perfect, we wouldn’t be here on earth. We are all real people, therefore none of us are perfect. We all have a story to tell and we all make mistakes and we have had some terrible, horrific things happen to us.

Bad things do happen to good people. It is not the thing that happens that is the problem, rather how we deal with it and more importantly heal from it, and move forward with our life that really matters.

Your past does not define you, no one thing defines you, that tragedy or trauma does not define you, it is not a life sentence! You are a wonderful, beautiful, human being.

Please read my book with an open mind, as much of what I have written I have never spoken about to anyone, thus I had to dig deep inside myself and oftentimes it was very painful for me to cast my mind back and relive some of the most traumatic times of my life.

Don’t get me wrong, I have had an extraordinary fulfilled life with amazing experiences and opportunities. But since the age of sixteen I have also experienced some terrible traumas that have cut me to the quick, that at the time, I thought I would never recover from. But I did recover, and so will you as you fall in love with yourself!

With much love & light!




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EBOOK -  Best selling - part-memoir - Healing Yourself

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