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Updated: Feb 5, 2019

Sexiness is self-acceptance, self-esteem and self-confidence!

Sex appeal is not about being a perfect size 10 nor is it exclusively for the young! It is a look, a glance, a style, an attitude but most of all it is all about confidence.

Self confidence is the greatest aphrodisiac of them all…women who know they are sexy exude a confidence that men find alluring and irresistible.

Sexiness is about being comfortable in your own body, accepting your body and having the self esteem and confidence to wear your skin well.

Exuding sex appeal comes from within.

When you know and love yourself you will exude a golden aura that glows and comes from within that every woman has, she just has to have the confidence to unleash it and reveal it to the world.

Sexy is not…

· Yellow stained chipped teeth

· Over coloured, over permed over abused hair

· Unshaven underarms, legs or bikini area

· Broken, chipped nail polish

· Long uncut toe nails

· Rough dry skin on feet

· Dry scaly legs

· Caked on powder makeup

· Wrong colour foundation, blusher and lipstick

· Headache fragrance that lingers too long

· Tightest skirt or shortest hemline

· Slouching

· Looking at the ground

· Dry sun damaged cleavage

· Blood shot eyes

· Dry chapped lips

· Bad breath

· Dry, parched, cracked snake skin

· Scowling

Sexy is…

· White straight teeth

· Shiny healthy hair

· Hairless underarms, bikini line and legs

· Medium to short cut well-manicured nails

· Buffed, polished toe nails

· Pedicured feet

· Exfoliated and moisturised legs

· Natural luminescence makeup

· Correct colour makeup that highlights your positives

· Whiff of fragrance

· Modern clothes worn with style and confidence

· Standing up straight

· Walking with confidence

· Well moisture cleavage

· White sparkling teeth

· Glossy shiny lips

· Sweet smelling breath

· Skin that glow with youth

· Smiling

Whatever look you prefer, project it with confidence, the power is within you to sizzle and seduce!

Age Defying Sexiness comes from looking after your entire body from top to toe, it is never too late to start! I will happily show you how – just ask me!

Be the BEST that YOU can BE!

Be Positively Fabulous!

Love & Light




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