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Love your body, celebrate it and accept it, just as it is right now at this very moment. Don’t demand that your body be what is was 5 or 10 years ago, or like the one you see in a magazine (how boring it would be if we all looked like that!).

Do not put off the pleasure of looking and feeling great in clothes simply because you are not the size you feel you should be. Before you purchase any new clothes learn to become comfortable in your body, understand it and learn what wears it well.


As Coco Chanel famously said, “fashion fades but style is forever”, and Chanel was the most stylish woman of the twentieth century, liberating women from hard-to-breathe in corsets and introducing free-flowing comfortable clothes.

Your clothes speak before you do. They express your taste, highlight your beauty and comfort and protect you, so choose them carefully.


Looking youthful is not about dressing in clothes that teenagers wear, which can actually age you more. You will look far more youthful if you wear clothes that flatter your figure and colouring, in classic pieces but with a modern twist.

Some of the most beautiful women in the world are/were known for their innate sense of style which had nothing to do with the latest fashion. Think of Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren, Grace Kelly, Catherine Deneuve, Princess Diana and Elizabeth Taylor. They always look(ed) great no matter what time of day, as they know/knew their own style and stayed with it.

Dare to different and create your own style, rather than slavishly following fashion. But do so with an open mind and remember to choose at least a few new fashion pieces each season, as this will keep you up-to-date and modern. While dressing too young will age you, getting stuck in an era that has passed will also age you!


Ignore the numbers on hang tags. It is far more important to have a good fit that flatters you than worry about wearing a certain size because you think it is above your ideal size.

Clothing sizes vary to such a degree, from label to label, that you never really know what size you are. Cut out the name-tag and size and throw it away as soon as you get home. Numbers are meaningless and, anyway, your body is not a number.

Accept yourself for who you are and what you are meant to look like, which is a beautiful, healthy human being that is perfect the way you are!

Love & Light

Be the BEST YOU can BE!

BE Positively Fabulous!




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