Understanding your figure shape, will make it easier to shop for clothes. From my experience of having worked with thousands of girls and women, I believe that once a teen figure has matured, normally by the age of 20, this is more or less the shape she will be for the rest of her life.
This is not related to how much weight you carry on your body, but more about your bone structure. Once your bone structure is set, this is the shape you are whether you like it or not. While you can put on weight, or lose it, you cannot chisel your bones away, so this is the shape you remain. It is therefore best to work with it, rather than against it.
We all fall into one of the following three categories with our bone structure: straight, shaped or curvy.
A straight shape is similar to the masculine shape: broad shoulders, narrow waist and narrow hips, but often with a fuller bust. This is the most uncommon female shape -interestingly, most models have this figure (they are among only 10 percent of women worldwide with this shape). This explains why when you look at model sin magazines you can’t imagine looking the same a them in the clothes, it is because most females can’t. We are simply curvier than that rare, straight model shape. We are simply curvier than that rare, straight model shape. If you do have this shape, then make the most of it with the correct style of clothes. If a straight figure puts weight on, it will go on her bust and stomach, often producing a few rolls around her midriff.
The shaped figure is often referred to as the pear shape, as this figure has narrower shoulders, smaller bust, smaller waist and wider hips. If a shaped figure puts on weight it goes on her hips, thighs and upper legs, resulting in an even more pronounced pear shape. Most women develop hips designed for childbearing, so instead of wishing you didn’t have them, celebrate them and rejoice in the fact that you were made for having babies!
The curvy female has narrow shoulders, a full bust, wide hips and wonderfully small waist. This shape is also sometimes described as an hourglass figure. The curvy woman puts on weight on her bust and her hips, emphasizing her hourglass figure. Unfortunately, many women with this shape try to cover it up with big baggy clothes, which only makes them appear bigger that they are. Instead, they should emphasize their wonderful small waist.

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