I am starting my 6 week SUMMER BODY weight-loss and tone up challenge on Saturday 1st September!! The challenge is with myself to keep it up for 6 weeks...which in the scheme of things is not long in our lifetime...if I start then I will look and feel great to start wearing less clothes for Spring then Summer. I have done it all before, so I know what to do, and I know IT WORKS!!! I just have to keep on track for 6 weeks! The reason for the 6 week challenge as it takes that long to see visible results...
If you would like to do it for yourself this is what I do...
80% of weight loss comes from what we eat...so start with your diet...I will be replacing 2 meals a day (breakfast and lunch) with the ARBONNE CHOCOLATE PROTEIN MEAL REPLACEMENT SHAKE...which I love as it is so delicious! This works out to be about $50 a week...so it saves a lot on the weekly grocery bill.
It is VITAL to have PROTEIN in our daily diet as every cell in the human body contains protein. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. You will notice that your hair and nails will grow stronger and longer...
Then for dinner I eat what I usually do, here are some recipes I make, especially my now famous PROTEIN BALLS recipe... I also cut out alcohol, all sugar and diary products. Only for 6 weeks then when I go back on them, only occasionally...
So now that my food is taken care off...the rest of the 20% of weight loss comes from exercise...but more importantly for me it also tone up the body, so I don't have any winter flab hanging around!!!
I am not a gym kind of girl, I prefer to exercise at home, alone. Five days a week I do my 1/2 hour of floor and weights exercises that my personal exercise instructor taught me years ago and still works for me to day.
Two of my favorite tone up exercises are here on video...
Walking half an hour a day is also really great for your entire body and for losing weight. But due to my spinal injuries I cannot walk very far, now so I now do Aqua Jogging...which I absolutely love!!! Read more about my aqua jogging here...it is so great for any health issues you may have and you lose weight at the same time...
BE the BEST that YOU can BE!
BE Positively Fabulous!
Love & Light
Denyse xoxoxo
