I had so much energy and was achieving so much in my day since starting the 30 Day Detox Weight Loss Diet, just like I used to have naturally! But then last Wednesday I just dropped energy and it got worse each passing day...But then I remembered the phone message from my Doctors office over a week ago.
Three years ago for about 3 months over Christmas I was becoming more and more tired to the point where I couldn't get out of bed even after a good nights sleep...I just went back to straight back to sleep again...I knew something was wrong but couldn't figure out what...
When I had to go to my Dr about something else I mentioned this to her...so after some blood tests it turned out I was very low in both iron and B12.
Well of course I was...why hadn't I thought of that before...probably because I have been a vegan for over 55 years without any repercussions to my health.
But now it had caught up with me and I had to have B12 injections every week and iron tablets daily and still do...now I only have my B12 every 3 months.
My family can usually tell when I need it again as I become very tired and sleepy...very dangerous actually...we need B12 for energy but also to live as well as iron, which as anyone who doesn't eat meat knows only too well.
So first thing Monday morning I will ring the nurse for my B12 injection...so I will be jumping for joy again -:)
I have to say though taking my Arbonne Citrus FIZZ Drink daily which has B12 in them has helped this time...

So what did I eat yesterday on my Detox Diet...
5am: Chocolate Meal Replacement, which I really do like, it is so delicious!!
8am: Cup of Herbal Tea
10am: FIZZ drink for extra energy (love this!!!)
12noon: Vanilla Meal Replacement with a scoop of greens, which gives me heaps of anti-oxidants that keeps me looking and feeling younger
4pm: Cup of Herbal Tea
6pm: Dinner; Green salad with kumara, garlic and spinach rositi's...Yum! Yum! Yum!!!)
BE the BEST that YOU can BE!
BE Positively Fabulous!
Love & Light
Denyse xoxoxo