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Writer's picture: Denyse SaundersDenyse Saunders

One of the reasons I decided to do this 30 Day Detox is due to the many heavy medications I take for my many health issues, one being my spinal injuries. Even though I can't stop taking them...I just felt my body needed a deep cleanse, especially as I have also recently had another unrelated 2 operations within a matter of months, plus a mild heart attack a few weeks ago.

Twenty years ago in 1998 my back prolapsed which means one of my discs in my lower spine L3/L4 jutted out of alignment and hit a nerve which causes incredible pain and I couldn't walk, I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance and put on morphine for the pain. I was in hospital for 3 weeks. At the time I owned Spotlight Model Agency which was the largest (over 4000 models, talent and actors) and the most successful model agency and training school (over 1000 students per annum) in Australasia. I worked 17 hour days, 7 days a week. Therefore I had to continue working and conducted all my meetings from my hospital bed, much to the amusement of the nurses.

Then I spent a year on morphine and in a wheel chair all because ACC would not believe I had a prolapsed disc which required surgery. My mother spent much of her time in Christchurch looking after me and so I could continue running my very high profile, stressful, full on business. It was not a good time in my life!

Eventually 18 months later a neuro brain surgeon had another scan done and told ACC I required urgent surgery. But due to the fact that it had been so long since the prolapse when the surgeon removed my disc, a nerve had grown onto it which he didn't see, so when he pulled at the disc it severed one of my spinal nerves. Plus he accidentally pierced the fluid around my spine and brain.

Thus I came out of surgery in considerable pain, a strong headache and couldn't move. It took 3 years before I could even walk again without a walking stick and I am left with a numb right leg from my spine down to my ankle that can't move. I have continual back pain daily. The repercussions that still go on still today have been huge and I try to cover it up as best I can, because I work in an image industry, so I don't like others to know that I am an invalid. So I have hidden this for 20 years.

But then 7 years ago I had another 2 prolapses...2010 my left side prolapsed and once again ACC wouldn't believe me and my surgeon, so wouldn't fund the while my lawyer and I were waiting to go to court over this in 2011 my other side prolapsed the time I was rushed to hospital in the ambulance the disc had severed another one of my spinal nerves (because of the left side being prolapsed the right side didn't have anywhere to go so it severed the nerve) so this left me with a dropped foot.

I had emergency surgery on both sides of my spine which was great because it relieved the HUGE pain (almost unbearable pain). But it was too late to save my right foot, which was now dropped and in excruciating pain and paralysed, which it still is today. Had ACC once again allowed the surgery for this prolapse in the first place, I would not be an invalid today!

Not that you can tell, as I am very good at disguising it - most people would never know that my right leg is paralysed and that my right foot is in excruciating pain 24/7 and doesn't work and that all my nerve ending are raw in my foot. I limp...but try to hide that when I am out and about..I feel I have an image to uphold. I wear orthotics when I walk the dogs and go to the gym and pool. I generally need to hold onto someone when I am out with higher shoes on otherwise I will fall over, with only one leg working. I can only walk or stand for very limited times due to the pain.

Due to my injuries 20 years ago and then 7 years I now have scholorisis of the it is vital for me to do my daily exercises to keep my core strong and aqua jogging, otherwise I will end up a bent over old woman some day! That is not for me!!!

I spend a lot of time going a pain professor, physiotherapist, podiatrist, orthotics and psychologist all to help with my injury and pain.

I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me, I would hate that with a passion, but empathy is good because it means you understand why I walk very, very slowly and need to hang onto to you in case I I can only walk on very, very flat ground...But I am very grateful to my family and friends that do know and have and still do support and help me...I am very blessed to have you in my life...thank you!

So that's me, warts and all!

Whilst this detox can't fix me, it is helping cleanse my system.

So what did I eat yesterday on my Detox Diet...

5am: Chocolate Meal Replacement

7am: Aqua Jogging - 20 laps

8.30am: Floor exercises for 30 minutes

9am: 2 protein balls with cup of herbal tea

10am: FIZZ drink for extra energy

12noon: Vanilla Meal Replacement with a scoop of greens

4pm: 2 protein balls with cup of herbal tea

6pm: Dinner; Kumara rosti's and salad (lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, red onion, olives)

BE the BEST that YOU can BE!

BE Positively Fabulous!

Love & Light

Denyse xoxoxo



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