WOW!!! I went to bed early feeling so bad...the headache hit, my side under my ribs felt like the stitch but it wasn't that and my neuralgia reared its ugly head again...anyone that is truly unlucky to suffer from neuralgia in the jaw will know the excruciating pain I am talking about...stress brings mine on!! The joy of coffee withdrawal!!
My day started out fine and in fact my morning was great I even managed to take my dear wee grandson Jack for a walk in his pushchair...but then at lunchtime it was all downwards from here on...if it wasn't for my family I would have...
5am: Chocolate Meal replacement. Yum!! I love the Chocolate one!
8am: Herbal Tea
10am: FIZZ Citrus
12noon: Vanilla + greens (I think the greens taste better with the vanilla meal replacement than the chocolate)
4pm: Herbal Tea (starting to really like it now) and went to bed!!!
6pm: Dinner: Green salad and vegetable stack (my son made this which is delicious, vegan and healthy) we have several in the freezer ready to be eaten
Honestly if it wasn't for my family I would have had a glass of wine at 4pm as I felt so rotten, but instead I had the herbal tea which I actually enjoyed!
Onwards and upwards as another day dawns... #losingweight #cofffeecravings #detoxdiet #30daychallenge
Love & Light
Denyse xoxoxo

Denyse xoxoxo