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DAY 20: ANOTHER QUESTION I AM OFTEN ASKED: How do you look so good with so many health issues...?

Writer's picture: Denyse SaundersDenyse Saunders

I normally answer with a smile off course, "read one of my books it tells you how! "

In case you are wandering they are called BEAUTIFUL YOU, POSITIVELY FABULOUS in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60, 70s...and AGE DEFYING LIFESTYLE. I think they are all sold (Bestsellers) out in NZ and OZ so try your local library.

The truth is I look after myself and I always why stop just because I can't walk properly etc etc...all my specialists I go tell me, 'I am amazing at what I have and do achieve given my health, stress and pain I suffer from, they also say, most people like me lie around on a couch all day'...I do have my days... but overall I just think to myself...there is an answer to every I set about finding one, and doing it to the best of my ability! I am a very determined woman. :-)

It never occurred to me to not carry on as normal doing my thing...

I am deeply spiritual, by that I mean I meditate and pray every morning at 5am when I get up. I believe in my angels and guides and the archangels and God, (or higher being or the light or whatever you call this amazing energy whence we come from). I also believe in spirits as in life-after-death and I believe in mediums who can see and speak them. I have had so many out-of-world experiences to know this is all true.

I speak to my guides and angels daily and ask them to guide me throughout my day, for my highest good and the highest good for others too. It is the great faith that I have had most of my life and deep spiritual belief that has and still gets me through some truly horrible experiences in my life...many not of my own making! My spirituality is THE most important thing in my life - hands down!!

However I don't judge others for their beliefs, and ask that others don't judge me for mine! Just as I don't judge meat-eaters and I ask that others please don't judge me for being a vegan. But some people just can't help themselves especially when I am dining out!! -:) We all make our own choices!

My point is I strongly believe the reason I don't have any wrinkles on my face and I don't look my age - no it is not genetic, as some like to say (I think rather nastily actually) it is proven genetics only play 10% in it. It is my overall lifestyle for the last 40 years +.

No not the extreme stress or my bad health, but rather from a combination of things, that are not hard to do, in fact anyone can do them...believe in something that provides you with a calm state of mind, eat healthy food and drink (no sugar in your diet), exercise at least 3 times a week (even walking is better than nothing, it only takes 1/2 an hour each time), go to a good hairdresser regularly (don't try and cut and colour your hair at home), go to a good beauty therapist (when you afford it) and most of all look after your skin every day with very good skincare products - every morning and every night without fail!

Dress modern and trendy but don't slavishly follow fashion that doesn't suit you...never, ever become an old lady, wearing old lady clothes...-:) But don't try and look like a teenager either! Mind over matter - think youthful and you will be!

So there you have it in a nutshell!

This is why I love Arbonne so much - it is everything I believe in - thus I want to share it with others so they too can experience how amazing the products are to use and if you want, you can make a HUGE amount of money, simply by working from home! I know a lot of people who would love to do that! There is room for everyone! Just ask me!

Tomorrow is Day 21...not long to go now!!!

So what did I eat yesterday on my Detox Diet...same as usual! I am a very boring and plain eater! -:)

5am: Chocolate Meal Replacement

7am: Aqua Jogging - 20 laps

8.30am: Arm and back exercises for 30 minutes

9am: 2 protein balls with cup of herbal tea

10am: FIZZ drink for extra energy

12noon: Vanilla Meal Replacement with a scoop of greens

4pm: 2 protein balls with cup of herbal tea

6pm: Dinner; Kumara rosti's and salad (lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, red onion, olives)

BE the BEST that YOU can BE!

BE Positively Fabulous!

Love & Light (for me this means God be with you so that you may live in the Light)

Denyse xoxoxo



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