Mmmmm I went to a screening of the Arbonne GTC annual conference in Las Vegas yesterday from 1pm to 4pm, and we were asked to take a plate of vegan nibbles and what we like to drink! So I made my delicious, famous (in our household) petite corn fritters! But when I arrived Irene had ordered from Herbivores the most gorgeous looking petite finger sized VEGAN chocolate slices...and worst of all she insisted we all try one or more as the case turned out!!! They tasted mmmm so delicious - even though luckily I don't have a sweet tooth!
So there you have it, I went off my Detox for an afternoon...but I do have an excuse...That night I had said I would look after my 4 1/2 month old grandson Jack so his parents could get a goods night sleep as he still wakes at 2am and 5am. That was fine...but I was so tired yesterday with the broken I was so busy that morning that I missed out on my lunch meal replacement, and most important my FIZZ drink that gives me my energy boost that gets me through every day! NOTE: Never again miss the FIZZ drink!!!
But I was a good girl..while the others were drinking bubbles and wine, I drank my herbal tea!-:)
By the time I got home my permanently injured foot was in nerve spasms and my right leg from my permanent spinal injury was in a lot of pain and I had NO ENERGY!!! All I wanted to do was go to it was too late to take the FIZZ drink (I didn't want to be awake all night).
So after dinner of a variety of steamed vegetables I slopped off to bed...and was in slumber land in no time at all!
BE the BEST that YOU can BE!
BE Positively Fabulous!
Love & Light
Denyse xoxoxo
